I'm working on a feature story for a local magazine called
OPEN and the subject is a wonderful woman who is multi-faceted and very beautiful. Of course, the first metaphor that brings to my mind is s diamond. But to me that is too cliche, so I got thinking about other metaphors that our lives represent, and that has led me to this blog post.
I'm in Hawaii today - and for the next 10 days - where I'm treated every morning to a westward looking view so I can see the sun coming up on the mountain outside my window, reflecting on the windows of the buildings in downtown Honolulu (not exactly an ocean view, but beautiful in its own right).
So I've been thinking this morning about metaphors for life. I came across a post from the Gaia Community called
"What are your metaphors for life?" The author was talking about the study guide for What the Bleep and mentions ecophilosopher Joanna Macy's five central metaphors through which people in different spiritual traditions see the world:
world as battlefield,
world as classroom,
world as trap,
world as lover, and
world as self…
The authors added world as machine to the list…
There are many other metaphors for life…
A Journey
A Garden
A Battery
A Mission
A Prison
A Roller Coaster
A Mountain Climb
A Race
A Courtroom
What are your metaphors for life?
How much do you operate within each of these worldviews?
The metaphor I keep coming back to as I struggle to do justice to this wonderful woman's life story (in only 1500 words!) is a river. Rivers are always moving forward, even when we don't think they are; they're never a constant speed - there are rapids, floods, pools, eddies, reactions to outside forces; as humans we have cut new channels, meandered from the expected paths, migrated, evolved, carrying much to deposit elsewhere. Sometimes when the going of our lives gets tough, we need simply to turn around - not push the river but go with the flow.
What metaphors come to mind when you think about your life? Or life in general? How does that worldview shape what happens in your life - what happens to you?