Thursday, August 31, 2006

How Long Have You Been Enjoying Your Life?

I love blogging for so many reasons. Let me count the ways:

1) I've met some amazing and incredible friends who share so many of my passions
2) I've gotten a chance to get feedback on my writing and my thoughts
3) I've published a book thanks to encouragement and feedback from these wonderful people
4) Every single day I learn something new or gain a new insight
5) Many more reasons than I can even articulate.

Here's today's insight, thanks to James who commented on my last post. He commented on what I had written on the 29th and then at the end of the post asked this question: "How long have you been enjoying your life?"

Wow - that really got me thinking. If you read my response to his question, you'll see that my answer was "about 3 years" because I wonder if I was really awake enough before then to actually enjoy my life.

That can seem a little depressing if I think about all the years I wasn't really awake to the enjoyment of life, but I'm just grateful I woke up!

I was talking with a very dear friend of mine here in Fargo a couple of weeks ago (he's 28, by the way) and he commented that he wished he had been able to figure things out sooner in his life so he wouldn't have wasted those years not being in a higher level of conversation. He's 28!!! If I had only figured out the secret to my life's enjoyment at 28! But we all are right where we need to be on this life's journey. I'm so blessed and grateful that I've been able to share mine with all you wonderful readers and bloggers who have become my friends.

My 28-year-old friend is starting his own blog which he wants to use to document a project he's working on in his life called "A Journey of Thanks." He plans to go through the decades of his life (0-10, 10-20, and 20-30) and thank all the people who made a difference in his life during those times. He's a filmmaker, so he's going to document all these interviews for posterity. What a cool idea!!

It reminds me of a movie I heard about recently called ONE: The Movie. What an incredible project! That movie isn't showing anywhere near Fargo, but maybe we can create that here. I'll work on it and let you know.

So, getting back to the original question: How long have you been enjoying your life. How would you answer that question? What does it make you think about? I'd love to hear! Let's start an "Enjoy Your Life" movement! What do you think?


At 7:14 PM, Blogger Jodee Bock said...

Thanks for your wonderful feedback! I love your definition of enjoying life - a cross between personal development and emotional intelligence. Well said!

Aha moments are here whenever you need them!

Thanks for your comments!


At 8:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Jodee - great question! I have a different answer - my answer is that I have been enjoying all of my life. I have evolved through the years (thank god!), but I have always enjoyed my life. The things that bring me joy now are much different than in the past - but the end result is the same.

Congrats on your book by the way!

At 7:37 PM, Blogger Jodee Bock said...


I'm so pleased that you've enjoyed your life your whole life! It's true, we do (or should!) evolve along the way, but it's great that you can say you've enjoyed the entire ride. I can't say that, but I sure have awakened and am enjoying it now!!

Thanks for visiting!

At 9:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Great topic for your blog. It took me a while to get it and I am always amazed when I find friends that do. In any case, congrats on your book..give me a week and it will be in my library. Thanks.


At 9:28 PM, Blogger Jodee Bock said...


Thanks for visiting! It's always great to connect with others who "get it!" As we keep creating bigger small talk in our own lives, we collectively create bigger small talk in the entire universe!


At 10:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi jodee!

i was browsing thru the blogosphere this morning and came across your post on 'how long have you been enjoying your life?' and it also got me into thinking.

you're quite right. this is stuff we know deep inside us already but we just do not lay it out there in the open. i'd say i have only just started to enjoy my life when i stepped into my 30th year. it's been an exhilarating experience ever since.

i thank you for this wonderful topic. i will certainly blog about it one of these days.

kudos to you!


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