Monday, July 27, 2009

Important Questions

Ever since I read Peter Block's The Answer to How is Yes, I have altered the way I ask questions.

In fact, this book resonated with me so much that it was one of the reasons I named my company "Bock's Office Transformational Consulting."

It was Block who first taught me that "transformation comes more from pursuing profound questions than seeking practical answers." In fact, that very statement really rocked my world because it helped me see that all my life I have been in desperate pursuit of the "right" answer instead of what really resonated with me.

What I am learning from facilitating now close to 25 master mind groups is that I am not the only one who has been asking less than productive questions.

The main issues I can pinpoint in organizational behavior, thanks to many of these master minders, are 1) Knowing exactly what we want (WE being employees, but in many cases, leaders as well); 2) Identifying for ourselves the why around the what (creating a vision); 3) Determining the best method for conveying our what to parties who need to know and 4) Asking for help and support in achieving those "what's."

Why do we have so much trouble identifying our wants? I talked to a reporter when my book The 100% Factor first came out. He wanted to know why my book would be relevant for business people. I told him it would be helpful for people who realize that there may be areas in their lives that could be improved, but they're not really sure where to start. He just couldn't fathom that anyone would buy that book. His point was if they were looking for some help from a book, they would already know what they want.

Is that true? I'm hearing more and more from people who really are at a crossroads in their lives - career, family, whatever. Maybe that reporter's view was from businesspeople who really didn't want to admit to themselves that they didn't have it all figured out. Maybe that's the niche for my book - and for this blog, and for what I discover happens in master mind groups. People can let down their hair - be authentic - share their dreams, their hopes, their fears.

I believe it's time for us to get REAL - with ourselves first, and then with others. And I believe it's crucial to not try that on your own.

There are lots of opportunities to join or form a master mind group. We've got some virtual groups starting now to study Think and Grow Rich. Groups are limited to 10, and all that's required is a phone and the book (which comes with your registration). Contact me (respond to this post) if you're interested.

Will there be new questions? Sure. But with new questions come new answers.

If not now, when? If not you, who? TAKE THE LEAP. The time is now.


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