Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Getting to the Heart

I just need to tell you about a couple of really insightful blogs that may give you new perspectives about business and also about education.

The first is a great resource I've found to help keep me grounded - and also to help keep my heart where it needs to be as I work to grow my business: Mark Silver's The Heart of Business.

Today's blog post and podcast is especially meaningful to me. Check out "Why Your High Prices May Really Be Too Low" for heartfelt insights to pricing your service.

The second is one that is also near and dear to my heart. As a member of the ONE commUNITY, I am privileged to be among the speakers/facilitators of this awesome program which teaches the CASTLE principles of leadership (Courage, Authenticity, Service, Truthfulness, Love, and Effectiveness).

The most recent ONE blog entry asks what would happen if we would teach these principles in our schools. Here's an excerpt:

A recent business magazine editorial suggested that "If we hope to fill our innovation pipeline with world-class knowledge workers, then we need to invest in an education system that can produce them….A competitive, knowledge-based economy will require the support of specialists in sales and marketing, HR, law, and general business management….". This may be true, but is that all? Don’t we deserve more than this from our educational system? Is it not time to aspire to an education system that does more than simply turn out highly trained people who can execute commercial tasks? After loving and being loved, the second greatest human need is to inspire and be inspired. Should this then, not be the most important goal of education?

To read the entire article, click here.


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